Wim Koevoets

RMT Music Therapist, Outreach Service

020 8744 8097


Wim is passionate about using the healing powers of music. He believes that music can move people in every way: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Moreover, music is a great tool in building meaningful reciprocal relationships and strong communities. Born and raised in the Netherlands, Wim is based in the UK and works for the RMT Music Therapy Outreach Service with a wide range of client groups including older adults with dementia, children and adults with learning disabilities, adults and children with acquired brain injuries, and children with life limiting conditions. In the Netherlands Wim has worked with people with learning disabilities, older adults with dementia, and people with acquired brain injury, but also with self-referring adults facing depression or anxiety, including refugees. He also coached adults with very specific needs such as how to sing or speak to an audience with confidence, or going through a mourning process because of the loss of a beloved one.

Wim qualified as a Music Therapist at one of the most reputable universities in the Netherlands, in the town of Amersfoort. He also has been a performing pop and jazz singer-guitarist, choir director and singing teacher for over thirty years. Wim has a degree as a music teacher with a specialisation in improvised vocal and instrumental music. Many of his former students and clients are now teachers or coaches themselves. One of his former employers was the Fontys University of applied sciences in the town of Tilburg.